
Account removal request

If you wish to permanently remove your account from the Baroque Gallery app, use the form below.

Enter Your Email Address and Submit Your Request

In the provided field, enter the email address associated with your account in the Baroque Gallery App. Once you've entered your email address, click on the "Submit" button.

Check Your Email

You'll receive an email confirming your account removal request. This email will include further instructions and a confirmation link.

Confirm Removal

Open the email from Baroque Gallery and click on the confirmation link provided. This confirms your request for account removal.

Account Removal Processed

Your account removal request will be processed within 24 hours. All your data and account information will be permanently deleted from our system.

Confirmation Email

You'll receive a final email confirming the successful removal of your account. Once received, you can consider your account removed from Baroque Gallery.

Additional Information:

Thank you!
Your massage has been successfully submitted.
Our team will check it as soon as possible.

Something went wrong.
We are working on it.

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